Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ruthie's Painting

Between art teacher dad and doodling mom, of course we would love it if our children develop some artistic skills. As Ruthie's grown older and bigger, we've let her experiment with some different "mediums" to see if anything would grab an interest. She's made pictures with pencils, never really enjoyed crayons, sometimes still pulls out the MagnaDoodle... but her current love is with watercolor paints.

The following video shows one of Ruthie's paintings from start to finish. I think it starts rather Matisse-esque, then takes a little Picasso-esque twist, and ends looking very Ruthie-esque! With it, however, comes the following disclaimer: The following video doesn't embarrass me, and I hope it doesn't embarrass you... enjoy it and laugh with it!


Grandma Barb said...

Dear Ruthie,

TN Grandma and Grandpa Barry love your painting - please do one for us! We would display it proudly!

Love and kisses,

TN Grandma

Unknown said...

TN Grandma has spoken of your talents at our knitting group and it is nice to see your painting! Keep up the great work!

Sherry in TN

Charles Ellis said...

Ruthie has intuitively chosen a subject well-treated in the western art tradition.

It's the equivalent of write what you know.

Carrie Wallace said...

Too funny! She is adorable!