Monday, May 28, 2007

Funny Girl

Ruthie is endlessly making us laugh as she sports her adorable faces and her silly noises. She can do it standing up, she can do it in her highchair. She can even do it with sweet potatoes all over her face!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Baby Steps

At 13 3/4 months, Ruthie's mobility has progressed to speed-crawler, speed-climber, and soon to be speed-walker. She'll walk holding on to things and she'll walk holding our hands, but she hasn't yet taken the leap to walking on her own. But, who needs to walk when you can proficiently reach your destination in some other manner? We know Ruthie will eventually reach her walking milestone. In the meantime, we are enjoying the baby steps she's taking in that direction.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Remembering Bridget

Today was one of immense sadness as we said goodbye to our beloved dog Bridget. But, while we grieve our loss, we know that in death we can also celebrate the life that was. So, here's to our "bigger than a Whippet but smaller than a Greyhound" Bridget...

-the "leaner"
-shivering even in a warm breeze
-alpha female
-mother/big sis to Hirschel
-squirrel catcher
-hating Greyhounds, loving Vizslas
-red and black turtleneck coat
-bad teeth and bad breath
-standing up in the car
-dignified and classy
-unconditional love