Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dinner Time

No, this dinner is not for Ruthie. It's "feed the doggies" time and we have the perfect little helper. Ruthie can run this routine with her eyes closed. She knows where to find the bowls, which bowl belongs to which dog, and where each of them eats. Before we switched Gertie to Hirschel's adult food, Ruthie could even tell you which container held which dogs' food. I wonder how many years will pass before Ruthie determines "feed the doggies" time to be a chore and begins demanding allowance money?

1 comment:

Grandma Barb said...


You are such a good helper. I'll bet that Hirschel and Gertie are enjoying being served their dinner by such a cute little waitress!! Be sure they tip you!

Love you so much,
