Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Catching Up

Ruthie's life continues to unfold at the rate of a speeding bullet, with mom and dad desperately trying to follow somewhere remotely close behind. First off, I should catch everyone up on Ruthie's stats. At her 1 year appointment, Ruthie weighed in at 20 lbs 4 oz- a mere 37th percentile. She seems to have caught up in height, measuring at 30 inches, putting her in the 79th percentile. Of course, that exactness may not be anywhere near correct since we are pretty positive that Ruthie scooted about an inch while the nurse was measuring her. What we're saying is she's potentially an inch shorter, not taller!

For those of you who have not seen Ruthie in a while, she now has six teeth- four on top, two on bottom. It is no longer cute to try to get her to suck on your fingers. OUCH!

She is talking (okay, babbling) up a storm, climbing stairs, and crawling and cruising all over the place. And boy is she fast! Somehow, in the blink of an eye, she disappears from one end of the room and is already on the third step. Or we find her in the dog bowl... We're just constantly trying to catch up!

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