Friday, March 16, 2007

First Words

Like many babies, Ruthie's babbles of "dada" and "mama" to anyone and anything began months ago. Slowly but surely she has begun to associate words to their objects. She looks at Daddy and says "dada." She looks at the chair and says "mama." She looks back at Daddy and says "dada." She looks at the wall and says "mama." Back to Daddy. "dada." Then over to Bridget. "bridget." Now she's looking at the ceiling. "mama." Finally she looks at Mommy... and she starts crying. Hey, I never said she was associating ALL words to their objects!

In the following video, are a few rare caught-on-tape moments of some of Ruthie's very first words. Make sure the volume is turned up- this is not a silent film!

1 comment:

Grandma Barb said...

Hello my little Ruthie - I love your new video. Now that you're talking - you and Grandma can chat on the phone while I watch you on the web cam. I can't wait to see you - only a couple of more weeks.

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Grandma Barb